LJ Events

BKY is part of Liberal Judaism – the dynamic, cutting edge of modern Judaism

 This page will show some of the events organised through or by Liberal Judaism – click HERE for other events or more information.

Liberal Judaism Annual Quiz

Sunday 13 November

Northwood and Pinner Synagogue

It may seem like a bit of a way away, but it’s time to start swaquizzing-in-logotting up, stretching those synapses and renewing your membership at the brain-gym.

Is it the new series of Countdown? No!

It’s the Liberal Judaism Annual Quiz

If you would be interested in putting together a BKY team – or two – email Paul at admin@bky.org.uk and he will look into


Liberal Judaism Day of Celebration

Sunday 11 June 2017

Northwood and Pinner Synagogue

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The event takes place every alternate year will include interesting speakers talking about fascinating topics. In 2015 The Liberal Judaism Day of Celebration was the first ever LJ event to be streamed over the internet, with members and friends watching via a live feed in America, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic and all around the UK.

celebdaypicLiberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbi Danny Rich, said: “This was Liberal Judaism at its best. A sizeable but friendly crowd – representing more than 3/4 of our congregations (30) – came together to discuss an issue, the Israel/Diaspora relationship, that can be divisive and controversial, but which we all agree needs to be examined and thought about. This was a great showcase for the Liberal Jewish family.”