Health and Safety

BKY Health and Safety Policy


BKY is committed to ensure the Health and Safety of all the community and any visitors. We are a small community who currently uses The Montagu Centre and The West Central London Synagogue within the building as our base. On a few other occasions during the year when necessary we rent out a room for services in buildings that have their own Health and Safety Policies in place.


At present there are no paid staff and BKY is run by volunteers.

The Building

BKY have a copy of Liberal Judaism’s Health and Safety Policy which covers all aspects of Health and Safety within The Montagu Centre. Any issues arising concerning risks or hazards will be communicated to Liberal Judaism as soon as practicable and an emergency phone number is held by key holders. A key holder will always be present at services or sessions.

First Aid

There is a fully equipped First Aid box provided by Liberal Judaism in the downstairs kitchen which is fully accessible.


The premises is fully equipped with fire fighting equipment. Exits and evacuation procedures are clearly displayed. The community will be made aware of the evacuation procedures and the key holder should account for the occupants at fire assembly points if evacuation becomes necessary.

No Smoking

There is a No Smoking policy in place throughout the building.

Lone Working and Safeguarding

There are Lone Working and Safeguarding Policies and Procedures in place. They are accessible on the BKY website here.


There is a CCTV system in place at The Montagu Centre and all visitors should be checked to ensure they are attending legitimately before being allowed into the building.

There is a panic alarm by the intercom in the downstairs lobby which if used will result in the police attending immediately and should be used if someone is in immediate danger.